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Blonde Timber Flooring
From the coastal vibes of Beach House to the Brooklyn industrial-inspired New York Loft and everything else in between, our range of light, blonde engineered timber flooring has something for everyone.

Explore our collection of blonde timbers below.
Light timber flooring by Kustom Timber

The benefits of going blonde

Open up your space

Light timber floors can be an excellent way to open up a space and create a bright, airy atmosphere. Because lighter colours tend to reflect more light, they can make a room feel larger and more open than it actually is. So if you’ve got a small or mid-sized room, blonde timber is a great choice to give the illusion of openness.

Anything goes

The versatility of blonde timber flooring is unmatched – it literally goes with anything. Whether your style is traditional or modern, rustic or minimalist, light timber floors can complement a wide range of design aesthetics.

The neutral tone of light timber floors allows them to blend seamlessly with a variety of colour palettes, and they can also provide a beautiful contrast to bolder decor choices.

Light timber creates something cohesive throughout your home, making it easy to transition from one room to another without clashing styles or colours. It’s a perfect foundation for any design choice.


More than just lighter and brighter

Hide the dirt

Blonde timber flooring tend to show less dirt than their darker counterparts, making them a great choice for high-traffic areas or homes with children or pets. Scratches and other imperfections are also often less noticeable on light timber floors, which can save you time and money on maintenance and repairs.

That said, regular cleaning and maintenance are still necessary to keep your light timber floors looking their best!

Cool as can be

Blonde timber is ideal for the warm Aussie climate. Because light colours tend to reflect more light and absorb less heat than darker colours, they’re a great choice to ensure you’re comfortable indoors, even during the hot summer months.

Lighter colours have also been shown to have a soothing effect. So blonde timber is a great choice for creating a peaceful, relaxing living space.

A match made in heaven

Blonde timber flooring is probably one of the most versatile light timber shades out there, so pretty much anything goes when it comes to interior design with a blonde timber backdrop.

But these shades are always winners when you’re getting to the interior designing:

  • White shades paired with blonde timber give the perfect fresh, clean, airy aesthetic that will forever be a classic
  • Choose light blue hues for something a little beachy and serene, and darker blues to add a touch of sophistication
  • Any and all green goes with blonde timber; natural green shades work harmoniously with blonde timber to create something warm and inviting
  • Pastel pinks, peaches, and lilacs bring out the warm undertones of blonde European oak and create a gentle, calming environment
  • Shades of grey give a sleek, modern contrast to warmer tones
  • Choose black shades for something high-contrast and bold

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