What to Consider Before Staining Your Timber Floors | Kustom Timber

Nothing compares to the natural beauty of timber floorboards and they give a sense of warmth and character that other flooring options simply don’t provide. But what do you do if the colour of your floorboards just doesn’t match your style anymore? Instead of being stuck with a colour you don’t like, you do have the option of transforming your floorboards with a new stain. Before you go ahead with staining your floors, there are a few things you need to consider.
Do my floors really need staining?
The first thing you need to consider is whether your floors actually need staining or are just in need of sand or polish. A lot of people confuse staining with polishing – staining your floors means that you want to change the colour while polishing gives a different finish, such as high gloss, satin or matte. In many cases, the colour of your floors isn’t the issue and they ‘re simply in need of refinishing. If you’re not sure whether staining is necessary or not, you can get a professional in to take a look. If you have beautiful hardwood engineered floors, you may not want to change the original colour.
What colour should I choose?
If you’ve decided that you want to change the colour of your floorboards, you need to decide what colour stain you want to go for. A lot of people love the look of a dark, dramatic stain and this certainly makes your floorboards a real feature. However, remember that darker floors can also show up damage more easily and can make a small space look even smaller. A lighter coloured stain is a good option if you want to lower the maintenance option as it doesn’t show up dirt and marks as easily. It ‘s also a great choice if you want to open up your living space.
Should I bring in a professional?
A lot of people do their staining themselves and this can look great. However, remember that it can be a very involved process as you need to sand back the floors, apply the stain, and then apply the finish. This isn’t just time consuming but it’s also easy to make a mistake. The experts will not only be able to carry out a professional job but will also give you the right advice as to the best stain for your floors.
Here at Kustom Timber, we offer a range of timber flooring services across Melbourne. We provide professional sanding, staining, and polishing services to restore tired looking floors and give them a new lease on life. Whether you want to retain the original beauty of your floors and change the look completely with a new stain, our professional team can help.
For hardwood flooring services Melbourne, contact Kustom Timber today on (03) 8609 6027.